Saturday, December 26, 2009

Four months to go!

Can you believe it? Greg and I have been engaged for about four months and have four more months until we are married! Wedding planning is going slowly but surely! I already have a dress picked out, our honeymoon planned, and now our receptions are getting dates set soon. I'm sure you're dying to know where we're going on our honeymoon! We're going on a four-night cruise to Mexico that sails May 3rd from Los Angeles! I'm really excited to go on a cruise because I've never been on one. Greg has been on one before.

Many people have expressed to me and Greg that long engagements are hard. At first I thought we'd just be fine but now I understand what they mean especially when three of my friends are getting married over the Christmas break and we still have four months left. However, I'm glad we decided to get married in April because I can't imagine having to plan a wedding during the crazy semester I just finished!

But now let me fill you in on what we've been up to since the last time I posted! Let's see, school was busy (when is it ever not busy???), I presented at a physics conference, and then came Halloween. Greg and I attended a Halloween party thrown by a club of which our friend Jordan is in charge. It was really fun! Greg dressed up as Luigi from the Nintendo games and I dressed up as a generic European/French person. We just got back from one of my band concerts and I needed to dress as something that could incorporate my black outfit, so I had a scarf and a beret to add.
For Thanksgiving, Greg and I went to his parents house. Kristine, Greg's sister, had been planning a surprise wedding anniversary party for their parents for the past year, and Greg and I were part of the surprise! We arrived in Sacramento the Saturday before Thanksgiving and his parents weren't expecting us to come for another few days. His parents were very very very surprised by the party and us being there! It was a great moment :). My birthday was the Monday after that and we spent the day at Kristine's. It was a good day! Greg, his parents, and I had a little dance party after dinner which was really fun. I love to dance! Then a couple days later, Thanksgiving was upon us! Can you tell this was a week full of celebration? We went to Bob's (Greg's dad) mom's house in Reno to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was really fun meeting members of Greg's extended family. The next day Greg's parents threw us a wedding shower! We got many great gifts from his family for which we are so thankful!

Since Thanksgiving, we finished out the semester. We took our finals and now we're on break. Greg is in California and I'm in North Carolina. Saturday we both go back to Utah for our final semester! We are both really excited for that because that means after the semester we graduate and get married!

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